Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Rapture Comes! Really it will this time!

Well, another Judgement Day passes without any vengeance against non-Christians and sinners. With this conclusive proof, I guess I won't have to worry about guys passing out fliers warning me to repent my sins anymore then right? Oh, I guess the math was just wrong. The world will actually end in October. You would think a retired civil engineer would be better with math.

The result of Harold Camping's first civil engineering project, the floating city of Rapture.

The part that initially appalled me the most was that hundreds of people quit their jobs, donated their life savings to buy billboard ads about the end of the world, and stood around handing out fliers. I would have thought that these people would have been dissuaded after Camping's last end of the world prediction in 1994 proved false.

I guess talking while holding a Bible and pointing a finger up is pretty persuasive to some people.

However, what vexes me the most is not that some people are stupid enough to believe this kind of stuff. There are always a few hundred to thousand people ready to believe whatever the next hyped doomsday prophecy is. It's comments like these that I found in a Yahoo news story that irritate me:

"I guess he missed the part in the Bible that says no man knows the day or the hour of Christ's coming!!"

"Silly sheeple, the Bible says that no man will know when Christ returns!"

I can understand calling Camping's believers idiots, but these guys completely miss the fact that they're flaming hypocrites. You can't call someone a mindless Judgement Day idiot and then say that they're wrong because your book says no one knows when it will happen. Both groups are using the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority, the only difference is that one had the misfortune of using an actual date instead of an indefinite one so they can be proven wrong.

Personally I think they should have spent a few of the millions of dollars raised to advertise the end of the world placing empty suits of clothes around the world so that it looked like the Rapture really did occur.

The sort of people who call others sheeple are as pretentious as Mac owners. We've all been persuaded by an authoritative figure at least once. Give Camping's followers a one-time free pass. If they come back and spend their life savings again in October, yeah they are stupid.

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