Thursday, April 15, 2010

Right to Bear Arms & NRA Facebook Page

I firmly believe that the second amendment allows all Americans to bear arms. It would be a bit hypocritical not to, since I own a 9mm Smith & Wesson M&P (incidentally a very nice semi-auto pistol). However, I can easily see why many other Americans feel that this right should be restricted. A brief glance at the National Rifle Association's Facebook wall would certainly give anyone who isn't already pro-gun quite a few good reasons to feel that this right should be restricted.

What sort of wall postings do we see? Some are legitimate, concerning bills up for votes in states that may restrict firearms use. However, most insult liberals and advocating for a resurgence of the Republican party in the 2010 midterms. After all, we're now the "Socialist States of America" according to people who have no idea what socialism even means. A few other post ridiculous links suggesting that the Barack Obama, who obviously can make the United States follow his every whim, will let the United Nations come in and take away everyone's personal firearms. A couple more advocate violence against government officials.

I mean no offense to the NRA, as they do a great job of defending gun rights. But is it any surprise that some politicians want to restrict access to firearms when this is the picture they get of gun owners? If you want to keep a right that you have, it seems more logical to be civilized in your discussion instead of throwing around insults, conspiracy theories, and threatening violence.

It makes no sense for NRA members to be so heavily biased against liberal members. They are basically a one issue organization, the right to bear arms, so throwing out half the country is a little counterproductive for their purposes. Tone down the anti-liberal language and maybe it would be a lot easier to maintain gun rights.

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